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Perpetual Printing

Anonymous User2777 28-Jan-2019

What is Perpetual Printing?

Printing has come up over a long way from Daisy-Wheel printers, then Dot-Matrix Printers, then Inkjet and Laser Printer. Now the needs are changing as the work culture in evolving, the need papers are rising a lot in daily life. It costs a lot while expensing over papers and printers ink. So, the inventors come up with an idea of ditching the use of the ink while printing.

Perpetual Printing is a concept of inventing the inkless, toner less printer which allows the operator to reuse the paper. Perpetual Printing is a combination of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional printing. It allows the printing of product reliability and in a continuity i.e. product after product. It eases the workflow and doesn’t require human involvement to make the flow of printing, as it is required in 2 and 3-dimensional printers. It allows an attendant to leave the machine to operate unattended while he or she can continue to work on other things at a time.

Perpetual Printing

The Perpetual Printer makes the imagination of worldwide concern over cutting of trees a worth full and saves the trees from cutting for making the papers. The PrePeat (Perpetual Printing) is a revolutionary printer. The papers are made to reusable in Perpetual Printing. It is the most innovative and promising solution for saving the papers. This type of paper is called ‘Gyricon’. A Gyricon sheet is a thin layer of transparent plastic which consists of millions of small oil-filled cavities. A two colored bead is free to rotate inside each oil-filled cavities. The printer applies a voltage to the surface of this plastic sheet paper, then the beads rotate over one side of the paper which develops an image or creates texts as required. The image and text appear on the paper and remains over it until it is fed through the printer once again.

All these tree saving printable sheets comes at a premium price. The Perpetual Printer costs $5,600, and a lot of bunch of 1000 sheets of printable pages costs about $3,360 per lot. So, it would be a very costly expense for establishing a printing-intensive business. And the average PC user won’t like to make such a huge expense to replace the Standard Printers with the Perpetual Printers. Hopefully, the prices will come down after the technology gets into fashion and adopted by a large user.

Perpetual Printing

The Process of Perpetual Printing

The process of Perpetual Printing is divided into four different stages, and are as following:

1. Purge,

2. Print,

3. Push, and

4. Catch.

In the First Stage, the Purge, it is very important to confirm that the object which is going to be printed has the perfect first layer.

A Standard Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) machine will hold the nozzle by removing the old plastic onto the corner of the print bed. For the Perpetual Printing Process, the printer eliminates the different area of the print bed before the new task has been assigned. A line of 3mm blue plastic tape on the left side of the print bed which captures new elimination every time.

Now, in the Second Stage i.e. Printing Stage, the Batch Work can also be applied to fetch a reliable performance and a 1mm nozzle with Silicon Socks. The size of the nozzle is very remarkable to print the objects at 800 microns, and which produces structurally stronger items. As well as, it will also reduce the time for printing.

While entering into the third stage i.e. Push Stage, the temperature of the print bed has been taken down from 60 degrees to 42 degrees after20 layers. This process is very important for the third stage i.e. Push Stage. To work properly the temperature print bed needs to be put down so that the object doesn’t get stuck into the bed. So, it requires a delay in the printing process to make the temperature reaches at least 28 degrees. After the temperature is maintained, the special bumper attached over the print head will move to a position behind the object.

In the Final Stage, i.e. in Catch Stage, a flexible slide is attached over the corners of the print bed. It saves the printed pages or sheets from falling under the bed. The Waiting basket saves the sheets from falling to the floor. After the assigned task is completed, the bed clears of obstruction, and the printer prepares itself for the other task.

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